Thursday, November 26, 2009

My Creative Space - Love Stuff

The word alone can summon all manner of emotion which can translate into many forms of physical expression.

The butterflies in your belly because you're 'in love', the heart wrenching ache when your 'Love' is unrequited and a quiet warm knowing of 'I am loved'. There are many kinds of love.

My friend is soon to marry the man that she loves.
She love love loves him and wants everyone to know, and wants her 'people' whom she/they hold closest to witness the formalising of this love by the guy in the suit.

My friend wants me to sing for them.......
However, she has left the choice of song up to me. Not the easiest task really as there are just so many.
So dear bloggers I am asking you -
"What is your choice of love song?"
I am seeking ideas, the song can be whatever you like, whatever makes you think 'love'.

At my wedding, our friend sang for us 'First Day of My Life' by Bright Eyes. (Please indulge yourself, click on the link and spend three minutes smiling and feeling your heart bubble about in your chest - you'll smile I promise).
Ours was not your usual 'wedding type song'.. But that was our choice we loved and still love it.

I seek song ideas of all styles, types, genres - At best I will have a guitarist to accompany me, at worst I will be A cappella.

So please please please help me and let me know what you have in your "love song cupboard'.

I really need some help with this.

Cheers & I hope your day is full of LOVE
Scoot on over to Kirtsy's today to see who else has things to show and tell today.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Productive Weekend

The 'renovation to do list' is being heartily undertaken over here at ours.
We have three months in which to cross off an ever increasing list of 'things to do' prior to us moving out and on to a whole new place.

For five years I have thought about paving a pathway to our side gate and I have now been collecting bricks from deconstructed houses for two.

These 6 days off have been very productive for both the Mr and I, with both of us feeling that we have achieved and that our energy expenditure and fluctuating stress and problem solving (or not solving) levels have been justified.

Quite a while ago I 'built' this house - see below.

I 'paved' a pathway to lead this wee family into their house.
Although I was/am not an expert I figured I could the real thing (paving) a go.

"Why not" I thought, "it is just a different medium".....
  • Sixty five besquillion bricks all moved and put into place
  • An uncountable number of all over body jiving "eeeeek get that bloody red back spider off my hand/arm/boot/pant leg type dances"
  • The shovelling and stirring of cement and sand, the endless sweeping - back sweeping-side sweeping of said sand/cement mixture (yes, all you folks in the know, I cheated and swept it into the cracks!)
  • one broken broom and
  • an unbelievably sore back later....
Bloggers, friends, countrywomen.....I had a dream ... and I have achieved
THIS - all by MYSELF...YAY!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

My Creative Space-What Logo?

This week I have been ridiculously busy.
Too much working and not nearly enough sewing.
You know those times when you cant think 'where do I start' because you've already go so many things/projects on the go you can't really remember where to pick up again?

This is one of those times.

My head space is simply bursting with the 'to be done' list.

There is the Christmas things, fixing/mending things, just because I want to things, the knitting things (which sadly I have not yet even completed one 'bowl) and of course the practice 'something that I could possibly one day wear thing'.

Not forgetting the 'working away from home thing' that is really hindering my chance of actually achieving completion of any of these 'things'.

I have however, had time for a bit of this...

I won't rant again, I promise, but I thought I'd show you all the result of the question I posed some time ago.
A pre-emptive apology for the dodgy photography here..

And after going through another bag of 'hand me downs' (oh thank you ever re-cycling circle of clothing ) I found some clothes that would fit my small girl but, they needed a bit of a change...

Ta da....

And finally, whilst working away from home has it's down side, I still get to leave the lounge room looking like this

for me to return to and attempt to pick up where I left off.

This is my new (all be it temporary away from home creative space, filled with the makings of Christmas gifts - which by the completion of the huge Christmas creations task I have set my self - will all be made from thrifted table cloths and other thrifted's a deceptively 'organised yet chaotic' workspace in progress.

Head over to Kirsty's to see who else has 'things' to show and tell this week.
