Some time ago I began telling you about how I had stated that I could "
most definitely make felt food" and of my subsequent desperate search for felt food patterns and ideas.
I loosely followed the patterns and suggested designs from
Hiromi Hughes - Felt Cuisine for the pizza, the pikelets and berries and the cake.
How would you like to have some nice warm piklets with strawberries, raspberries and blueberries on a chilly winter's day?
Would you like a slice of "The Lot"?

Or perhaps some Strawberry Cake?
This little Corn Cob is all of my own designing and doing! I definitely
Made This
I needle felted a cylindrical shape then needle felted it over with yellow corriedale wool. I then 'divided the corn cob from end to end with embroidery cotton until I had divided into 16ths.
I then back stitched my way around the corn from the top to the bottom to make the 'kernels'.
It took forever! And nearly a whole skein of cotton but I am very pleased with it.
Can you pick the 'impostor?'

I also figured it really couldn't be too hard to make fried eggs and a 'bit of steak'.
I simply cut out a wobbly 'egg white', sewed it(with the machine!) and turned right way out, then I blanket stitched the yolk on and lightly stuffed both the white and the yolk.
The steak was the tricky one, it took me ages to come up with this - I needled felted a 'rough ' steak shape then covered it with the red wool felt. I then sewed on the 'fat' with the white wool felt.

So there you have it. Sometimes I tell semi-truths that turn out to be 'truths'. Sometimes I learn a hard lesson about telling such semi-truths but mostly I am amazed at what I can actually do when I put my mind to it (especially when there is a witness to my "sure I can" response!).
This 'play' food will be going to the small girl's Kindergarten and I get to have a 'bit o play money in return'.
Have a great play today!