My beautiful small girl has been watching me create 'stuff' for her entire four years now.
In the lead up to her birthday she requested a "sewing box with cottons and needles for sewing and we can do sewing and you can show me".
So as the fourth birthday approached we went out and found the sewing box of her choosing.
I then filled it with some tapestry wool of varying colours, some plastic 'needles', safety scissors and sequins (apparently they are very much needed by 4 yo girls, I am still not sure why).
Upon the first request to do some sewing I asked the small girl to draw what ever she liked on to a piece of felt, she drew her family.
Small girl, Mummy, small boy, the Mr and the dog*
Threading the needle... This proved a wee bit tricky for little fingers so I 'helped'.
SO with the drawing or 'outline' on the felt I set about with great enthusiasm showing her how to 'sew'.
Poke the needle in, push it through and pull the wool through....anyway you get the idea.
I notice my child's eyes have glazed over, a vacant stare revealing her disinterest, her mind taking her away on some other not so boring kind of adventure.... until she spies the pot of sequins....Shiny, coloured, sparkly teasing alluring sequins.
It was at this time she proceeded to lick them and stick them on her face, arms and legs...
There is now a daily requst to do some 'sewing', which naturally, involves playing with sequins.
I am sure I know who will be completing the 'family picture' for the small girl's first sewing adventure.
Head over to Kirsty's to see who else has some creative 'stuff' to show and tell.
* The dog (Graeme) is the six legged creature, second from the left.
By the way... the picture above is small girl "knitting"